Ryan O‘Connor
About Ryan
Ryan O’Connor is an actor based in Los Angeles, California.
A graduate of Butler University with a Degree in Digital Media Production, Ryan always had a passion for film and television.
He believed that for him to have a well-rounded understanding of the acting process, he needed to learn the world behind the camera as well. Compiling all he learned in school, he packed his bags and moved to Los Angeles in 2017.
Ryan used his production background to get jobs on sets to help build his network. While doing so, he was able to learn from many different acting talents by picking their brains and studying their process. Ryan has also had success launching his own projects, such as short films, video projects, and sketch comedy as an actor. In his years out here, he has gone on to book a range of films, web series, and commercial roles.
Looking to further expand his repertoire, Ryan began taking classes with the Howard Fine Acting Studio in 2023 where he is currently a student with the esteemed school.
Recently, Ryan participated in the Short + Sweet Hollywood Festival, performing in two plays. Both plays made it to the semifinals of the competition, and one made it all the way to the finals.